Building up Christians, Lifting Up Christ
We, the body of believers in Jesus Christ are all one through the blood of Christ who forgives us. We identify with the larger body of Christ, the Church, rather than a specific church or denomination. We make a greater impact when we come together as one and we glorify Christ when we do. Jesus prayed that we would be One as He and the Father are One (John 17:11). In addition, the world will see the Glory of God when we, God’s children, truly love one another and live as brothers and sisters (John 13:35)!
We are partnering together in unity with Christ-followers throughout the greater Yuba-Sutter Christian Community in order to support local ministries, churches and individual Christians in a network for the Glory of God and to fulfill the great commission of Jesus Christ.
Unity in Belief
We believe the following essentials of the Gospel of Jesus Christ:
- His birth is miraculous.
- His Life was sinless.
- His Death was the only atonement for forgiveness of our sins and reconciliation with our Father in Heaven.
- His Resurrection is confirmation of His promises, power for our lives, and the promise of our eternal destiny with God.
- His Word is the only God-breathed and authoritative text for truth.
Unity in Impact and Influence
As we are united in belief and purpose, Jesus also calls us to be “Salt and Light” (Matthew 5:13-16) in our world. In order to influence the world for Godliness, the CCN will seek to impact, influence and provide a voice as a proponent of Biblical mandates. Although the CCN is not primarily focused on political/social issues, we may choose to take a public stand when those issues are in opposition to Biblical mandates.
By networking together, we can speak on behalf of the larger local community of the Christian faith. Together we can be a voice of influence as ambassadors of God’s kingdom. Please consider joining with us to be that voice!
Unity in Purpose
All disciples of Christ are called to encourage others to be His disciples as well. The CCN is committed to helping you to do that through training, fellowship and ministry opportunities.
Ministry Information
As Christians, our primary purpose is to “make disciples.” Therefore, we support all “Gospel-based” ministries with local chapters.
The CCN will offer information, updates, speakers and more to provide members with the opportunity to support member-ministries through volunteer participation, prayer, financial support and promotion.
Ministry/Outreach Training
The CCN will provide encouragement and training through speakers to help with sharing your faith within your sphere of influence.
Ministry Gift
The CCN will allocate a portion of each membership to benefit a Gospel-based member ministry. This means a portion of YOUR annual membership fees will be used for a ministry blessing.